It might go without saying in this new realm of online advertising, but marketing to a digital community is vital in any successful campaign for virtually all businesses across most industries. Whether you are trying to get the word out about a product or service you provide, there are probably some simple ways to tap into the trends that have started to dominate modern marketing tactics.
Personalized Experience
Marketers have known for generations that the more they can resonate individually with a possible customer, the likelier he or she is to respond positively to a piece of content or advertisement. Beginning in the early days of the craft and including modern experts like Eyal Gutentag, there have been a variety of approaches to forming the most relevant and personalized marketing campaigns possible. Fortunately, new technologies are making use of algorithms that use data about particular online communities. This allows advertisers of all sizes to target groups with tailor-made messages in a more affordable way than ever before.
Influencer Messaging
Though entrepreneurs of a certain age might still struggle to understand why “influencer” is even a job title, many of their clients look to these social media figures for guidance on a variety of issues. Spending some time, and possibly capital, on this burgeoning realm of the marketing industry might pay off in the short term.
Artificial Intelligence
There are signs pointing to the emerging usefulness of artificial intelligence practically anywhere a marketer might turn. The way it can fit into a particular company’s game plan, however, can vary widely depending on details including location, budget and goals.
More importantly, the way these new high-tech ads can be targeted to specific groups means each ad dollar can go even further, resulting in clients who are actually moved to click on a relevant piece of branded content.